Italian Alphabet and Pronunciation

Italian Alphabet and Pronunciation

Italian Alphabet and Pronunciation ( Ehlers)

Alphabet and Pronunciation

There are only 21 letters in the Italian language. Letters-letters k, w, x and y is only found in the words of another language uptake.

While the letters j only in the name of the place (Japan) and the name of the person (fauji).

The letters are:

1. vowels:

Aa → it is pronunced like a in the word Father

Ee → it is pronunced like e in the word Sell

Ii → it is pronunced like i in the word Pig

Oo → it is pronunced like o in the word Call

Uu → it is pronunced like u in the word Shoot

2. Consonants:

Bb → it is pronunced like b in the word Big

  • Cc

there are two pronunciations:

1. Before the letter e  or i, the letter c is pronounced as ch as in **Chocolate

2. Before the letters h, a, o and u, it is pronounced as k like in the word Chemist

Dd → it is pronunced like d in the word Dog

Ff → it is pronunced like F in the word Fast

  • Gg

There are two pronunciations:

1.Before the letter e or i, it is pronounced like g in the word Gentle

2.Before the letters h, a, o and u, it is pronunced like g in the word *Going

Hh → it is never pronunced

Ll → it is pronunced like l in the word Salt

Mm → it is pronunced like m in the word Mall

Nn → it is pronunced like n in the word Now

Pp → it is pronunced like p in the word Pull

Rr, it is thickened

  • Ss

There are two pronunciations:

1.It is pronunced like s in the word Sell

2.It is pronunced as z in the word Rose

Tt → it is pronunced like t in the word Tall

Vv → it is pronunced like V in the word Visa

Zz → it is pronunced like ts in the word Pets

Two consonants which are merged:

Gh → it is pronunced like kh in the word architect

Gh → it is pronunced like g in the word Goal

Gli → it is pronunced like lli in the word Brilliant

Gn → it is pronunced like * ny* in the word Onion

Qu → it is pronunced like ku in the word Quantitative

  • Sc

There are two pronunciations:

1.Before the letters e  or i. It is pronunced as sh as in Shoe

2.Before the letters h, a, o, and u. It is pronunced like sk in the word Sky

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