A local router is configured to limit the bandwidth of guest users connecting to the Internet

A local router is configured to limit the bandwidth of guest users connecting to the Internet. Which of the following best explains the result of this configuration as compared to a configuration in which the router does not limit the bandwidth?

a. The amount of time it takes guest users to send and receive large files is likely to decrease.
b. The number of packets required for guest users to send and receive data is likely to decrease.
c. Guest users will be prevented from having fault-tolerant routing on the Internet.
d. Guest users will be restricted in the maximum amount of data that they can send and receive per second.


d. Guest users will be restricted in the maximum amount of data that they can send and receive per second.


This throttling of data can manifest in various ways for guest users.

Downloading files, streaming videos, or participating in online games might experience slower loading times, buffering delays, or even disconnections if the bandwidth limit is exceeded.

The specific impact depends on the type of online activity and the chosen bandwidth limit by the router configuration.

Let’s break down the options to understand why option d is correct.

a. The amount of time it takes guest users to send and receive large files is likely to decrease.

This is incorrect because limiting bandwidth will increase the time it takes to send and receive large files due to the reduced data transfer rate.

b. The number of packets required for guest users to send and receive data is likely to decrease.

This is incorrect because limiting bandwidth does not affect the number of packets; it affects the rate at which packets are sent and received.

c. Guest users will be prevented from having fault-tolerant routing on the Internet.

This is incorrect because bandwidth limitation does not directly affect fault-tolerant routing.

d. Guest users will be restricted in the maximum amount of data that they can send and receive per second.

This is correct. By limiting the bandwidth, the router restricts the maximum rate of data transfer for guest users, effectively limiting the amount of data they can send and receive per second.

So, the bandwidth limitation will restrict the rate of data transfer for guest users, meaning they can’t send or receive data as quickly as they could without the limitation.

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