If a collision between molecules is very gentle, the molecules are

If a collision between molecules is very gentle, the molecules are…

a. more likely to be oriented favorably
b. less likely to be oriented favorably
c. likely to react
d. likely to rebound without reacting


d. likely to rebound without reacting

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In gentle collisions, the kinetic energy involved is typically insufficient to overcome the activation energy barrier required for a chemical reaction to occur.

Therefore, the molecules are more likely to rebound without undergoing any significant chemical change.

In gentle collisions between molecules, the energy transferred during the collision may not be enough to cause the chemical bonds to break and reform, which are necessary for a chemical reaction to occur.

As a result, the molecules are more likely to rebound without undergoing any chemical reaction. This is because the activation energy required for the reaction to proceed is not reached during the collision.

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In contrast, if the collision is more energetic and has sufficient kinetic energy, the molecules may overcome the activation energy barrier, leading to a chemical reaction.

However, in gentle collisions, the molecules tend to retain their original structure and configuration, and the collision does not result in chemical transformation.

Therefore, the molecules are likely to rebound without reacting in gentle collisions, making option d. likely to rebound without reacting the correct choice.

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